Dental sealants for children

Dental sealants, what’s next? If it’s time to visit the local friendly dentist, then let’s be informed. Our youth are the future and we have great confidence in their ability to comprehend the importance of their dental health. Part of easing the...

Teeth whitening for children

Whitening a child’s teeth should be done with caution. The mouths if children are very sensitive, both their teeth and gums and should always be take care of. Does the teeth of children stain? Yes, the teeth of children do stain. Stains or discoloration on the...

Should babies go to the dentist?

Many parents struggle to understand when their children should visit a dentist for the first time and if it makes any sense for them to visit a dentist when they are still a baby. Opinions differ on this question and there is no one accepted answer that is the whole...