When should you take your child in for his first visit with a pediatric dentist? The accepted recommendation is as soon as his first tooth erupts, but no later than age one. Primary teeth are developing beneath the gum line even before you can see them so preventive measures should begin asap. The best way to learn about them is through a pediatric dentist and hygienist.

A lot of babies seem to need a bottle to help them relax before naps and at bedtime. That’s fine if the bottle is filled with tap water instead of sugar water or formula. Sugar is bad for our teeth, whether they’re just evolving or if they’ve fully matured. Putting your baby to bed with a bottle of sugary liquid is asking for trouble.

Baby teeth serve several purposes. They allow your child to start eating solid foods and help him learn to put words together. Just as importantly, baby teeth are there to guide the permanent teeth into place. It is essential to take care of the baby teeth so that they can stick around long enough to do the jobs that they were meant to do.

As soon as your child is ready a pediatric professional can teach him how to brush properly and introduce him to dental floss. Give your child a head start for cavity prevention, call Kaelin Pediatric Dentistry @ 303-805-8266 in Parker.

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