If you had a lot of cavities as a child you will definitely want to do all that you can to see to it that your children fare better. A home regimen of daily brushing and yes, flossing is a step in the right direction but it has to be followed up with regular professional care starting as soon as the first tooth erupts.
When children begin going to a pediatric dentist at an early age they are more likely to grow accustomed to the environment and hopefully avoid any issue of dental anxiety now and in the future. A pediatric dentist’s office is designed to grab the attention of the children and keep them preoccupied until time for the appointment. Kids will want to come back to a place where there are PlayStation, video games, and hands-on activity centers all arranged with them in mind. These distractions also work in freeing up the parents to talk with the office staff members about updates and appointment schedules.
Early monitoring is important for the proper care of the primary teeth and the development of the permanent ones. The first set of x-rays will provide a reference for referral as the transition gets underway. It’s important that the baby teeth remain in place as long they are needed. Premature loss can lead to any number of problems which is why prevention is so important.
Give your children a headstart on the road to good oral health, call Kaelin Pediatric Dentistry today @ 303-732-6891 in Parker, CO.